Thursday, April 26, 2012


since I totally missed yesterday, I have decided to combine #4&3.

4 books

1. To Kill A Mockingbird
2. Running with Scissors
3. She's Come Undone
4. Harry Potter!

3 films

1. A League of Their Own
2. Steel Magnolias
3. Harry Potter!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5 foods

i am not an adventerous eater at all

my sister would take me out to places when i was young and try to get me to try new things. basically if it wasnt a chicken finger, i didnt eat it!

since moving to charleston, ive eaten more delicious food than ever before!

so narrowing this list is going to be tough!

1. shrimp from theSouth Carolina Coast. o. m. g. it is like no other shrimp you will ever eat!

2. chocolate pudding from the Hominy Grill. if you are ever in charleston. YOU HAVE TO EAT THERE! ahhmazing I tell you!

3. the fried chicken from a little bbq joint on Johns Island called JB's.

4. the bbq pulled pork from Bea's back home.

5. my moms banana cake. l o v e it!

Monday, April 23, 2012


narrowing down the top 6 places is going to be tough.

1. i would LOVE to go back to Hawaii and take Greg with me.

2. Puerto Rico

3. Germany, London, Greece, Spain

4. the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

5. the Pacific Northwest

6. every MLB ball park

Sunday, April 22, 2012

7 wants

1. to own a 4 door Jeep wrangler!
2. to go on a nerdy vacation with my hubby(Wizarding World of Harry Potter!)
3. to learn as much as I can about photography!
4. to do photograhy full time
5. get a female puppy so we can have an even number/gender ratio!
6. to be less anxious around peole
7. to lose 30 more pounds and be off of my hbp meds!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

8 fears

8 fears.  i'm 100% sure i could fill in about 80 fears, but we must stick to the guidelines. 
8 it is.  

again, in no particular order
8 fears:

1. a BOTCHED hair dye job
2. losing(either misplacing or the other form of loss) one of our beloved doggies
3. the ocean! 
4. not ever developing into the person I really want to be
5. my friends and family not knowing how very important they are to me(emotions make me uncomfortable!)
6. not being capable to fully grieve and heal from my childhood
7. never owning a Mini or a 4door Wrangler!
#8. no one reading my blog, leaving me essentially talking(typing) to myself!

view like this

we get to eat dinner with a view like this.

Friday, April 20, 2012

10 day YOU challenge. 9 loves

Here we are on Day2 of the 10 day challenge, 9 Loves. This one should be fairly easy for me!
In no particular order!

1. my husband, Greg

2. my family(in spite of their crazy ways)

3. my doggies! (some may say a little too much! whatev)

4. learning about photography

5. my dear friends camera iphone. it's an addiction really.

8. living 10 minutes from the beach(however i do miss my NorthGeorgia/Tennessee Mountains)

9. being surrounded by my family and friends and having the ability to create memories for other families!

there ya have it. a few of my loves.